As most people know I am an art major and I am emphasizing in new genres i.e. video art, installation, and performance. I will be going abroad next semester to Prague and one of the courses that I am hoping to take is called Sound Art in Theory and Practice. Sound installations and pieces interest me greatly, but I have no idea how to make them and don't think that I really even have the materials? But for my final I'm thinking about possibly making either a sound piece or a video piece as a sort of experiential or abstract articulation of upness. As we have learned in class, we have tons and tons of links, whether it be semiotically or visually, to signal what is up and I think it could be interesting to make a piece in response to that idea. The piece would be a sort of visualization or realization of the sensation of upness.
I think that I will most likely collaborating with Bennett because I know that he can play many instruments and produce music so he will be able to help me if I go the sound piece route. In addition, if I decide that I want to make a video Bennett's film background will still be of use to me in combination with my own video art experience since he knows a lot about cameras and lighting/framing shots, etc. For my interview I would like to find someone who has experience making music, similar to Bennett but possibly with a synth because I believe that Bennett plays instruments like the piano, bass, etc. I'm also interested in possibly including animation in the project *IF* this is what I end up doing.
In my beginning research I found this youtube video about various beats (binaural, monaural and isochronic tones) that use certain sound waves in patterns that manipulate your brain. These tones/beats are often used in meditation or relaxation and can make the body feel like it is floating. I am interested in something like this! I would need to possibly find someone or just research more about what these tones/beats actually are and how they are produced, etc.
I am also interested in light and its relationship to floating sensations and upness... I think this also relates to sensory deprivation or confusion. Below is a Doug Wheeler piece that I saw at OCMA last year and I think that Wheeler's work along with James Turrell's (the master of light!) could help inform my possible work as well.

I also have a friend who just purchased a fog machine which I'm thinking could definitely be useful if he will let me borrow it! Look at how dreamy it could be:
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